One of the easiest ways to create copious amounts of organic SEO is to offer free downloads. This is because you can encourage your users to leave feedback on your site about the downloads. The more feedback they leave, the more optimized your site will be.
One of the reasons you should offer free downloads on your site is because so many individuals surf the Net in order to find a niche information. A free download also provides the kind of instant gratification that can make the difference between your visitor lingering for a while or clicking to their next web destination.
Examples of the kinds of free downloads that you can offer on a website are:
o Music Downloads
o Interviews
o Audio Clips
o Animated Cartoons
o Flash Cartoons
o E-books
o Ecards
Downloads like this are usually viral in nature, meaning that they contain your personal signature and a link to your web address once they go out to a customer. The idea is that the person who downloads your perk for free will also pass it along to other individuals. Once the original customer has passed this along to their friends, it may encourage them to return to your site to see what else is for free or what they can get for cheap. This is why it is so important to make sure that your downloads, especially ebooks, consist of quality content. If your site is full of crap, people will be less than willing to "spread the magic."
Also make sure that your downloads deliver what they promise. For instance if you are promising an interactive Feng Shui tool and all they get is a calculator for what year they are born then you are likely to develop a reputation as a trickster. Your goal as a marketing genius is to prevent them from expressing contempt by recycling your material into their computer trash cans. They must feel compelled instead to recycle it amongst interested parties who might become potential customers!